Preschool nursery in Liverpool

If you’re looking for a preschool nursery in Liverpool, contact Dandelion Days Nursery today.

We will help your child with


Skill development


Healthy eating habits


Quality preschool education


Preparation for primary school


Child led activities and more

preschool room

Providing learning opportunities

At Dandelion Days Nursery, we provide an excellent platform with endless opportunities for your child’s intellectual development. We will encourage your child to participate in various activities like music, dance, storytelling, arts and more.
We aim to encourage children to be more independent, to develop new skills and to actively take part in phonic learning sessions. Our staff will carefully recognise your child’s interest and help them develop it into a skill.

Our preschool room

This room is also called the Ladybird Room and is for children between 3 to 5 years. We organise a regular yoga class, that aims at improving your child's concentration. 
We also have a development session, which aims at stimulating your child's imagination and helps in improving their self-confidence.

Take a look at gallery to have a better idea of our services.

If you would like to enrol your child on our preschool program

contact us today